USA shipping choices include: $6 per cart address (standard shipping), Priority Mail, and UPS Ground, Next Day Air, 2nd Day Air, and 3 Day Select.
You can ship to your gift list!
1. Choose a flavor and scroll down. At "Send To" click "select name from list". The choices are "myself" and "add new name". If it is to someone else click on "add new name" and a box to the right will appear where you can enter a new name. Enter the quantity and add to the cart.
2. From the cart click on the flavor if you want to send the same flavor to someone else, or click on the categories above to choose another flavor.
3. When you choose a flavor and go to "Send to", you will see the choices "myself" and all prior names previously entered on the "Send to" list. Last on this list will always be "add new name".
4. When you are finished adding flavors, quantities, and names you will be in the "Cart" view. On the left, below each name, there will be "Edit Address". This is where you enter the ship to address for each recipient.
5. Once all the addresses are entered you can proceed to checkout. Shipping charges will be calulated separately for each ship to address.
Once you enter a couple pieces and a couple names it gets pretty easy.
If you have a large gift list you can email a spreadsheet with names, addresses, flavors and quantities per recipient.
I would need these spreadsheet headers:
First Name; Last Name; Street Address Line 1; Street Address Line 2; City; State; Zip Code; Flavors; Quantities.
I will then create the order and contact you for payment information.
Please contact me with any special needs or other questions, including larger quantity discounts.
Billy Norris
Owner / Designer
Office 805-956-4895
Cell 805-406-2312